History of Kolkata Call Girls

In Kolkata, escort service is prevalent in two different forms. One is home-based called incall service and another non-home-based is called outcall service where Kolkata call girls meet their men to their Kolkata hotel rooms, homes and other desired places.

Although the total number of call girls in Kolkata is unknown, some survey reports say that there are more than 60000 call girls offering Kolkata escort service from different parts of Kolkata. A vast majority of these women are Nepalese, Indians and Bangladeshis. Besides, there are many working professionals, college girls and modelers offering this service.

History of Kolkata escort service

A farcical satire or short-drama named Beshya leela throws light on the history Kolkata escort service. Written by an unknown writer, this ironical drama discusses how Bengali Babu-class of people patronized and helped to grow this service to gratify their lusts and other libidinal desires.From the first half of the 19th century, a huge number of Kolkata call girls started offering escort service, centering Sonagachhi (from Chitpur on the west to Cornwallis Street on the east). Prince Darkanath Thakur gave them a piece of land to build their house and offer service from there at Sonagachhi. Later British soldiers started coming here and East India Company bought this land from Darkanath Thakur. After that, it received a significant growth and the place become of the most important red light districts in Asia.

Similarly, on the south of Kolkata, a significant number of women started offering Kolkata Escort services from an area located between Kalighat to Khidirpur dock areas. Kalinga-Fenwick Bazar located in the central Kolkata was another well-known place for offering it. Many Hindu-Muslim-Christian communities involved in it would offer this service from Kareya area in Kolkata. The matter of fact is that there was no clear ‘boundary-line’ between the ‘gentleman areas’ and the ‘call girl areas’in Kolkata. In the course of time, it has merged.

Kolkata call girls

From the above discussion, it is very clear that the escort service in Kolkata received a significant growth after the take up of the Sonagachhicottages by the East India Company that made it an important place for offering erotic pleasure to its soldiers and others. In the course of time, the place has been the largest red-light district in India. With its significant growth escort service in Kolkata has received a sustainable development through many modifications and additions. Now it is a well-recognized service enjoyed by many persons coming here from the different parts of India and abroad. The main attraction is the beautiful Bengali girls and voluptuous Nepalese girls. You are sure to experience a perfect blend of sensuality and sexuality. Beauty, viciousness and voluptuous appeals have been infused in Kolkata call girls. They are well aware of almost all modern techniques and cutting-edge services. They combine these with various classical sex positions recommended by Vatsayana in his perceptive book Kamasutra. If you come to the city for any reason, take a chance of exploring and enjoying this divine service. You are sure to realize the true warmth of it and relate the myths associated with this service.

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