The Changing Dynamics of Kolkata Escort Service

Kolkata started with three different villages named Sutanuti (now Sovabazar), Gobindapur (now Park Street) and Kolkata. Then there was a Babu (Jamindar) culture in Kolkata. The local Jamindars owned Baganbari separated from their estate and located far away from their residences. They would use the Baganbaris for their amusement purposes. These were completely isolated and prohibited houses where they used to keep escort girls or Biajis to spend the evening with them. In the evening Babus and their friends would get together to drink wine, listen to the vulgar songs of the escort girls and take part in various sensual and sexual activates when they would feel excited and attracted to any specific Biaji (escorts). These went on for a long time until East India Company (Job Charnock) bought the above-mentioned villages form the local landlords.

The emergence of Kolkata escorts

When East India Company started operating from here, local Babus or Jaminders faced finical hardship. The situation was getting tough for them to own a separate Baganbari and bear the expenses of keeping Biajis and other women for offering them entertainment services. Consequently, they felt the necessity of establishing brothel houses for common uses. Debendranath Tagore took the first initiative to set up a brothel house at Sonagchi (now India’s largest red-light district), taking the local widows and some other sex workers. Subsequently, East India Company purchased the land from Debendranath Tagore to run it for satisfying the sexual hunger of their solders. Many times, they use to call the girls at their residences to have sex with them. As a result, two types of services named incall and outcall services started. Now, Kolkata is a busy prosperous city retaining this trend. 

Kolkata escort service

Like the past, Kolkata escorts are now available to offer Kolkata escort service.

The main four differences with the past are as follows:

  1. The number of Kolkata escorts has increased significantly
  2. Clients can book their desired girls easily over the internet
  3. Kolkata escorts service is not limited to Sonagachi area; rather there are many virtual and physical hubs operating from the different places in Kolkata.
  4. Many independent escorts in Kolkata have started working independently. They get contacts online and hook their clients over the internet, using digital marketing methods.

Independent escorts in Kolkata own websites and dating apps so that their targeted clients can easily find them. On a single phone call or email drop, they will reach you at your Kolkata hotel rooms and residences or guide you to reach their flats so that you can consume their cutting-edge services and enjoy with them in a discreet yet most comfortable and relaxed manner. You get an undisturbed atmosphere where you can enjoy in your desired ways with your heart’s content.

Specialties in Kolkata escorts

  • They can blend sensualities and sexualities to create something out of the box.
  • Escorts in Kolkata are highly skilled in creative lovemaking and erotic pampering.
  • They offer specialized services and take personalized care for each of their clients.
  • They keep offering out of the box services until their clients get fully satisfied.  

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